Taurus Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes week of 11/15/21

Taurus Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place on 11/19/21.

Aries- deep healing work continues to be available to those with Aries placements, particularly for those with placements near Chiron, which is at 8 degrees at this time. Your ruler, Mars, is in Scorpio with the communicator Mercury and the vitality of the sun. You are well supported to examine your anger for unresolved hurts, which, if processed now, could bring tremendous healing. For more on what’s being activated for healing check the houses where Aries and Scorpio are in your chart.

Taurus- check your Taurus placements for how close they are to 12 (Uranus) and 27 degrees (the full moon eclipse) noting also the house which is home to Taurus for how the current astrological weather affects your personal life. Your ruler at 12 degrees Capricorn is trine Uranus in your sign, experience financial blessings and a boost to your reputation, but remember that a key to super charging your success is by thinking outside the box.

Gemini- Your ruler, Mercury, is in Scorpio hanging out with Mars and the Sun. Diving into the deep end with enthusiasm serves this energy well for you. Cuspy Geminis born 5/21-5/22 and other Gemini placements at 0 and 1 degree have an opportunity to align with their destiny, check which house is home to Gemini for more on how this could play out for you.

Cancer- your ruler is in Taurus with this full moon and yet this time that is your ruler’s to shine is affected by the eclipse. The earth will cast a shadow on your ruler, perhaps manifesting as circumstances outside of your control dimming your vitality. You may experience a sense of depletion, rather than being discouraged, lean into the stillness. Utilize the dark and quiet to nurture and fertilize intimacy. Check your chart for placements at 27 degrees Taurus, noting which house is home to Taurus in your chart for more on how this lunation may play out.

Leo- Your ruler has almost completed it’s required yearly dive into the underworld. You may not like what you see now that you’re shining your light into the dark, neglected corners of your psyche. Remember, whatever you were avoiding had always been there, the difference now is your awareness. Process and lean into the truth. Check your chart for 27 degree placements that will be affected by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse for these are areas where healing and understanding is needed.

Virgo- Your ruler is sandwiched by Mars and the Sun in Scorpio. You may be motivated to deep clean, to purge and cleanse, you’ll certainly feel better when the gunk has cleared. Remember to use intention and energy to clear the gunk from your mind as well. If there are murky areas you’ve been avoiding you have the courage to face these areas at this time. Check the houses for Scorpio and Taurus in your chart for more on how you will be personally experiencing the eclipse energy.

Libra- after a very busy start to fall and a lengthy visit from Mercury in your sign, your territory is clear. This may have allowed for some of the dust to settle in ways that feel peaceful, but perhaps even loneliness is creeping in. Your ruler, Venus, is in Capricorn, blessing your reputation and career, while getting an assist from a trine to Uranus in Taurus. It may feel like the ground beneath you is crumbling, but it’s the effect of your movement. Even if you stumble on the path it is fuel for your transformation. Find Capricorn in your chart, which house is it in? This more specifically points to areas where you receive your own (Venus) blessings.

Scorpio- Check your Scorpio placements for any that line up with: 12 degrees- Uranus in Taurus at 12 degrees brings unconventional change before your very eyes. 13 degrees Mars is here in your sign bringing passion, anger and frustration if it can’t express itself, move your body enough to sweat or orgasm to help move this energy through your body. 21 degrees is where Mercury is bringing communication and negotiations. 27 degrees Scorpio is where the Sun attempts to shine its light on the moon during this eclipse but is interrupted by the Earth. Folks with placements at 27 degrees Scorpio may need extra rest during this eclipse. This week is a good time to negotiate, but don’t sign contracts till week of 11/22 if you can help it.

Sagittarius- it’s an unusually quiet time for Sagittarius. October brought the blessings of money, love, gifts and beauty as Venus moved through your sign, but now it’s calm and even the south node of the moon is nearing the end of its transit. It’s likely you’ll find the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse activating and spice up your life with conflict when someone uses words, maybe even your own words against you, as a vindictive weapon. Ask yourself how you’re feeling and how you want to feel. Get yourself into the right environment to support yourself for deep self reflection during this Scorpio season before the sun moves into your sign. A deep dive supports satisfaction.

Capricorn- Venus hangs out in your sign for an extended period of time due to her retrograde later this year and into next year. With all of the transformation work you’ve been tasked with you can use this sweetness as you integrate. Blessings of money, love, gifts and beauty are bestowed upon you. Let yourself be fed, and take time to digest, pleasure. Check your chart for placements in your sign at 12, 24 and 27 degrees, also look to which house is home to Capricorn/Taurus/Scorpio for ares of life activated by the lunation 11/19/21. Remember to think outside the box to best utilize the Uranus Venus trine.

Aquarius- what your ruler is doing to Taurus is creating ripples of change and disruption for the collection (and for Taurus individuals) but Taurus may be bringing about in you the urge to create security. Please do tend to your obligations and responsibility, taking a high level of accountability when something goes wrong (cuz something will go wrong). Proficient use of Saturn’s talent of accountability opens up access to ingenious problem solving. Check which house is home to Aquarius in your chart for more on which area of your life is affected by the accountability assignment.

Pisces- Your ruler Neptune is at home in Pisces, though this energy is distorted due to Neptune’s current retrograde. Some of the visionary gifts that you have always been blessed with may seem stifled at this time but it’s an illusion based simply on our perspective here on earth. Let your magic be inward, quiet, nurturing something that will emerge so fully inspired when it is ready, perhaps during your season in 2022. Harmonious energy flows right now in support of deep honest self reflection and shadow work- activated by the planets in Scorpio. The eclipse energy aligns with the nature of your deep dive into honest healing..