Aries Full Moon Tough Love Horoscopes for week of October 18th 2021

The astrological weather is intense and regardless of your sign you may feel it. Also, as usual, keep in mind that your astrological makeup is a lot more than your sun sign. In additional to the sun if you have pluto, the south node of the moon, or the moon in any of these signs you’re likely to have old shit stirred up this week.

Full Moon in Aries on 10/20/21 at 7:56 AM Pacific Time.

Chiron in Aries activated Monday, full moon at 27 degrees aries on Wednesday. 

Aries- take good care, if you tell the truth and meet your basic needs this is overall a healing experience but you likely won’t have validation of that until much later, this is an opportunity to practice holding space for faith.  

Taurus- if you are thinking about moving again ensure that you have cleaned up the mess at your current home, align with your own integrity and examine your environment. What’s yours? Have you taken full responsibility for your part in the mess? Moving on is your prerogative but you know this much is true, wherever you go, there you are.

Gemini- it is your ability to move your attention from one shiny thing to another that is saving you right now. Bring your lightness, wit, and flirtatious ways remind us of the ease that can be growing a network. Like the network of roots and fungi beneath our feet, we can activate our connections since you have shown us how it’s done.

Cancer- irritability sets in monday, if you remember that you’re actually sensitive AF and do what you need to do to take care of yourself, especially if you give yourself permission to say NO when it’s called for this vibe can work for you. If you let them walk all over you, you will inevitably be so angry with yourself it’ll hurt.

Leo- I don’t know how to tell you this but some of you have outgrown “fake it till you make it”. The planetary movements have little patience for this.. The message for you: we have no time to lose waiting for you to shine as the star you REALLY ARE. In scorpio season anything you are faking will singe your pretty mane.

Virgo- you are invited to take a risk. Look forward to a burst of energy as mercury stations direct next week and eventually lines up with the power of both mars and the sun. Direct action, clarifying questions, asking for help, saying no, all of these in harmony with how youre being called to show up for the remainder of this fall.

Libra is activated AF with mercury retrograding in their sign, during their season, and with mars in libra near the sun. Post full moon some of what’s gotten really confusing has a chance to straighten out. Stop guessing about what someone “meant by that” and take what they have to say at face value, you’ll be able to trust that if you speak actual truth yourself. Admit when it feels bad, admit when they’ve done you wrong. 

Scorpio- your ruler’s constant quest, to transform, to alchemize through smoldering heat, icy cold, using any resource it can command, is exhausting. This quest in the sign of capricorn, where your ruler has been for nearly 13 years, to transform structures, authorities, enterprises, work, responsibility and government is taking its toll on you. This week you may find yourself in the middle of a conflict between libra and aries (or between diplomacy and action). You are the magician, remember your trick of disappearing into the shadows so you can go inward and heal, let the conflict play out, we can use the tension to propel ourselves.

Capricorn- See Scorpio’s horoscope for a greater understanding of what is taking place in your sign. Pluto is doing its work of transformation in the Capricorn realms of structures, authorities, structures, enterprises, work, responsibility and government. Pluto and Scorpio know, and do not shy away from, death (and rebirth) as the ultimate form of transformation. If it feels like you are losing some foundational pieces of what you thought you knew to be yourself, you’re probably right. Let what doesn’t work for you anymore (and perhaps what never really worked at all) die. In Scorpio season we grieve. 

Sagittarius- some sagittarius folks may experience this week and full moon as challenging, stirring up old hurt feelings, particularly as it pertains to romantic partnership. Many of you will experience the bliss of Venus hanging out in your sign. Remember that pleasure is medicine as long as it causes no harm. 

Aquarius- you don’t get to sit out this entire. lifetime just because you’ve been hurt. You don’t get to sit out just because you assume “they” don’t have your best interests at heart. They don’t, and you’re right, but we are here, we are also hurting and we need you. We need your instinct and intellect. We need you whole, your parts reclaimed. We need your willingness to cause disruption *aligned* with your inherent values. When you awaken from the slumber aquarius we will be here for your come back.

Pisces- emotional energy is available as your muse, your creative project awaits and beckons you. Find seemingly magical solutions to problems others insisted weren’t solvable through your brilliant visionary abilities. If you find yourself baffled and frustrated as you burst into tears this week examine unexpressed anger.