Exploit what’s working for you: Horoscopes this week & the Gemini Full Moon

Happy Sagittarius Season! Have a little fun, have a little faith, and connect with your intuition. Check out the above post shared on Instagram for an intuition exercise, a Crystal Oracle game. Our final full moon of 2021 is in Gemini on Saturday, December 18th at 20:35 Pacific Time. Exploit what’s astrologically supported and beware of energy traps.


Working for you: fun, exploration, expansion, saying no

Beware: overextending yourself, gossip


Working for you: innovation/transformation with regard to career/reputation

Beware: conflict as a result of your lack of boundaries/discipline 


Working for you: weird, honest, emotional, trying something new

Beware: delusional thinking, question your fears and limiting beliefs


Working for you: nurture connect to a higher power

Beware: irritation with your housemates/neighbors


Working for you: new opportunities, adventure, fun

Beware: blowing off important chores


Working for you: trying something new for fun, writing for work

Beware: avoiding how you really feel


Working for you: transforming your career/reputation, naming your feelings

Beware: obsessive thinking, rabbit holes


Working for you: love, art, delighting your senses, working with your hands

Beware: giving the cold shoulder when what your friend/loved one really needs is to know that you’re hurt


Working for you: socializing, exercise, adventure, celebrating growth- you’ve been through a lot over the past 18 months

Beware: escaping your feelings through substances or other unhealthy vices


Working for you: embracing change, romance, art, delighting your senses

Beware: sleeping through the your own transformation


Working for you: expanding your mind, change, feeling lucky

Beware: lack of discipline or boundaries 


Working for you: magic, love, enjoyment of your amazing dreams and imagination

Beware: delusional thinking

Elizabeth Liptan