Valentine's Day Horoscopes by Sign

Venus in Pisces brings warmth, song lyrics and fantasy to our Valentine’s Day but there’s plenty else going on in the cosmos and the collective that may pull your energy into worry or frustration. When Pisces and Neptune are involved (Venus in Pisces is conjunct Neptune in Pisces next week, including on Valentine’s Day) we are more susceptible to feelings of despair. The following horoscopes are meant to empower you to CHOOSE your Valentine’s Day experience by aligning with self-love first and last. Let doting on your beloved(s) make your to-do list only if you have the capacity.

Check both your sun sign and rising sign in the horoscopes below, if you’d like a detailed look at how the astrological weather is affecting your cosmic calibration (your natal chart) book a session, I’d love to see you in session soon!


Supporting your nervous system on Valentine’s Day is an act of love of self and others. Astrologically speaking there’s potential for encountering challenges at work or with boundaries. Delegate, cooperate and communicate your way to solutions so that you might find a path to presence and awareness of your many blessings.


Go ahead and indulge in fantasy. Immerse yourself in beauty. Get a new lip gloss or your makeup done if such things would inspire in you a sense of your own treasured essence, beloved. If you’ve always wanted flowers for Valentine’s Day, bring some home! If you have a lover, tantalize their senses and yours.


This Valentine’s Day show them how it’s done baby. You’ve already adventured into the depths of your heart to meet yourself with compassion. Now, emerge, spreading the healing manna you found there to whoever is blessed to be close enough to taste it. In this day and age it’s brave and rare to take your inner child healing seriously and rarer still to talk about it openly. If anyone can do it, it’s us.


This Valentine’s Day experience yourself as a co-creator with God/Goddess/The Universe. You’ve been through so much lately and as a result have been destabilized, but you’ve never been more authentically you. If you feel insecure in this phase of new growth and soul evolution carve out space and time for you to shower yourself with love and anything you need to ensure that you’re engaged as the co-creator of your life.


Level up in love of self or partner this Valentine’s Day by taking radical responsibility for keeping your own side of the street clean. Be honest, be clear to become empowered. Then bring sparks and energy to love wherever it exists authentically in your life, starting with you!


This Valentine’s Day leave power struggles from work or church or some other group dynamic behind. connect with love of self/partner outside of power struggles. Set an intention to love without agenda. Consider what it might be like to love yourself and others without keeping score.


This Valentine’s Day if you find yourself feeling jealous, or comparing yourself to others, check for any covert resentment you may be harboring. Take care of you and offer an abundance of compassion for action taken which may have caused harm to others in the past, this may help you to take accountability and actually move on. Try starting with self-forgiveness and watch the healing ripple out to those you love.


Beauty is before and all around you. There’s an abundance of dreaming energy afoot that wants you to wish upon a star with your truest hearts desire.  Get clear with yourself about what you really want by tapping into your analytical nature. Analyze yourself comparing what you say to what you do and what you feel. Examine if all three align.


This Valentine’s Day release resistance to your authentic emotions. Give yourself permission to feel what’s real, particularly as you look at how you show up in relationships past and present.. Let your feelings then guide you to nurture yourself or one of your inspired ideas. Immerse yourself in the vision or the fantasy.


Beware old coping mechanisms arising in the face of thoughts that stem from prior experiences of abuses of power/betrayal. Remember, dear cycle breaker, that you’ve interrupted these cycles of abuse by shifting YOURSELF, not other people. It’s ok to revisit tools of support you used long ago when you first started healing. Healing is not linear.


To feel the love on Valentine’s Day reduce distractions. Distractions like: unmet physical needs (if you’re hungry/thirsty/need the bathroom just tend to it!). If you’re using energy to deny your true emotional needs or experience that’s an energy sucking distraction too! In the absence of these distractions you’ll find your intuition and gratitude is exceptionally clear.


This Valentine’s Day remember that to be present for love (of self or other) you need to have time and capacity. Take care to reserve enough energy for yourself, your needs and for love. Strategically intend to utilize your stores of energy for your highest good, this means taking a look at your priorities or to do list and ensuring you’re included near the top.