The Chiron Project, March Event and Emotions Running High in Pisces Season

So far my observation of Pisces Season 2023 is that folks are in the midst of some of the most potent emotional experiences in what’s already been an intense few years. It may not be what you consider your strength to connect with your emotions, but it is most certainly worth the effort right now to use energy to actually feel your feelings. When you cease gaslighting yourself through toxic positivity or Law of Attraction dogma it’ll hurt, you might think being honest with yourself “isn’t working” because you don’t feel better. We’ve got to feel it in order to move through it and feel it, my sweet. You can survive your own pain.

Sweeping feelings under the rug and denying our lived experience eats up mental energy very quickly. Where you have been escaping, scapegoating or gaslighting (yourself or others) your feelings have been expanding completely unchecked. Your feelings never actually disappear, they adapt to run your life from beneath the surface.

If you’ve been meaning to find a therapist, if you’ve been meaning to do EMDR or other trauma therapy now is an optimal time to take the leap outside of your comfort zone and actually do the work. The emotional work. In support of my mission “Feel It To Heal It”, inspired by Pisces season and Jupiter’s conjunction to Chiron the Wounded Healer on March 11th 2023, I present to you- The Chiron Project. Inner child healing through Chiron’s placement in astrological chart by intuitive astrologer Liz Rose Liptan.

A PDF E-book with worksheet and reference material for exploring Chiron’s placement in the birth chart. Explore Chiron by house and sign, use included table for quick look up of you and your loved one’s Chiron’s signs. Includes instructions for how to generate a free birth chart online. Engage with the workbook on your own or in combination with 15 minute recorded Chiron reading based on your personal Chiron placements.

A very brief update about the rebrand of Light Goddess Alchemy, which was announced late fall of 2022: still in process! I thank you for your patience.

I’d love to see you in session soon or in March’s astrology salon. I apologize for any inconvenience as I shifted plans with regard to this event. The Chiron Project was initially launched as an online event scheduled for 3/5. What unfolded for me was an awareness that the Chiron work is so personal it demands more privacy and I chose to package these offerings on an individual level as detailed above. During the astrology salon we’ll gather and discuss all of the March astrological weather, including the Chiron transit, and what that means for the collective as well as perhaps the most significant transit of the year, Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon and being of service.

-Liz Rose

Elizabeth Liptan