April Cosmic Weather Forecast

April Cosmic Weather Forecast: check out the video or read the forecast below

This video is about April Cosmic Weather

We enter April with

The Sun in Aries

Venus in Aries

Mercury in Pisces (enters Aries 4/3)

Mars in Gemini

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

Uranus in Taurus

Pluto in Capricorn

Neptune in Pisces

South node of the moon in Sagittarius 

N. Node of the moon gemini

April 3rd (Happy birthday Noemi!) and mercury enters Aries lighting all your words on fire with Aries ruler hanging out in Gemini (which is ruled by Mercury) jet fuel for your communication


4/9 mars in gemini square Neptune in pisces, moon conj Neptune 

Saturn in Aquarius trine nodes

4/11 new moon aries

Chiron, Mercury, moon, sun, venus, all lined up in aries, sextile mars in gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius 

4/14 venus -> taurus

Mars in gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius

4/16 sun in aries square Pluto Capricorn

4/19 mercury -> taurus

Sun -> taurus

4/23 mars -> cancer

4/25 Saturn Aquarius square venus and mercury in taurus- venus and mercury link to Uranus in taurus (sun will be conjunct Uranus 4/30-5/2) possessions, communications

4/26 Scorpio Full Moon

4/27 pluto retro 

Aries- Goddess bless it’s ARIES SEASON FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS. You’re operating at somewhere around 44-77% fiery fullness baby (due to pandemic mandates) but this birthday season feels way way way better than last year. If you already have a sharp tongue be VERY VERY CAREFUL HOW YOU CHOOSE YOUR WORDS YOU ARE A POTENT creature this month. 

Taurus- y’all may Tauruses may find April exhausting, April taurus may possibly have more energy stores when the sun lights you up. Let yourself have a tantrum, get it out of your system, whatever it is that you’ve been holding back. LET GO OF WHAT IS NOT RIGHTLY YOURS. Remove yourself from enmeshment. You got this. Letting go of what’s not serving your highest good/the highest good of all will help you to do your liberation work. Remember Uranus, the liberator, is creating tremendous upheaval in your sign, fighting it is most certainly making it worse. There are no security blankets. LET. GO.

Gemini- you and aries could run the world. You and aries could destroy the world. Maybe we need it. Wild ideas, unpredictable spurts of energy. If you are willing to feel your feelings while you run things, if you are willing to imagine a beautiful world and use your powers for the highest good we’ll all win

Cancer- nobody visiting your sign for months and then mars barges in without knocking. Your ruler, the moon, will transit Chiron (wounded healer) in aries before cozying up to the sun, mercury and venus. Tell your story, let your lover know what you’ve been through. So much potential here for shared understanding through communication which is the next step in healing, you’ve done so much healing on your own. You are loved.

Leo- oh hi fire sign season. The pace of the first few weeks of April is fast, you’re ready and enlivened by the first real fire season since 2019. There’s opportunity to feel really good, be honest with yourself about yourself, be impeccable with your word and you’re all set. 

Virgo- there’s a lot of energy available and some of your fellow humans are going to be awakened and energized in ways that may create messes around you. Clean up only messes that are yours. Channel anxious energy that comes up (due to your lack of control in some cases) into moving your body in ways that feel good. If you are healthy and well work up a sweat everyday. 

Libra- a lot of big personality energy in opposition to your sign, use your inner mirror to reflect all that light and use it for your own purposes. Admittedly it does require extra energy only your part to utilize it, so plan for extra naps and alone time to stay graceful. You’ll undoubtedly experience occasional bursts of pep in your step.

Scorpio- if you are the victim in the story of your life you are undoubtedly unaware of how you are destroying your own happiness. There are certainly oppositional forces (Uranus and black moon Lilith in taurus and by the end of April a full house of players opposite your sign) wreaking havoc on your life just as they are on the earth we stand on. Think of the volcano smoldering lava flowing and you refuse to move out of the way because of how long you worked building that cabin at the base of the mountain. Move yourself out of harms way scorpio, find in yourself what you’re doing that’s keeping you stuck, AND CHANGE IT.

Sagittarius- welll we’ll well sag. Aries season is a recipe for problem solving. An old story of yours will pass. It’s time to be brand new. If all goes well you’ll emerge with new words, steady eye contact and having fulling integrated your true self. We are ready for you. Let this fire sign season work its magic on you.

Capricorn- Aries season may feel like being pried open, maybe an aries person is doing this to you. If you are ready, if you’ve been feeling your feelings and doing the work you may find this aries energy is here and ready to work FOR YOU. Aries is a crow bar it’s true. What do you need flung open or torn apart? The raw power is here.

By taurus season you’re more comfortable and less fucked with, though the world will be changing and perhaps rapidly around you.

Aquarius- the spaces you inhabit get fuller by the end of this month when venus, mercury and the sun join your ruler Uranus in taurus. Let love and communication and vitality fill your environment. You still have all this work to do in taurus territory, that work won’t be complete for several years but this taurus season you’ll have help. I’m jumping the gun though, aries season is busy,  you are working with unpredictable energy and unpredictable players coming at you. Keep in mind that with each challenge that presents itself a solution is not far behind. Flexibility versatility curiosity and if you can manage it, faith that everything will turn out ok in the end. That’s aries season for you love. Help is on the way in taurus season when you get guardian angels venus, the sun and mercury all arriving to join your ruler Uranus. Make the most of Jupiter’s blessings of good luck in your sign until may. 

Pisces- as I type these words the sun has left your sign, venus is leaving in a matter of hours. You have mercury with you until April 3rd and then it’ll be just you and your ruler in your sign until the moon passes through on 4/9. I hear you sighing, unsurprised that you’ve been abandoned yet again. Remember pisces that heartache, disappointment and struggle happen to su all. I know it’s tempting and easy to believe that it’s just you, especially as aries and the people around you who’ve been vaccinated pop off, but it’s an illusion. We are all dismayed by the wounds we’ve obtained during our visit here to earth. Use your ruler to connect to that which we are all connected no matter what, connect to spirit and remember who you are.