Taurus Season Cosmic Weather Forecast and Light Goddess Offerings

Taurus Season Newsletter

Hello precious humans, please see below for the Taurus Season Cosmic Weather Forecast. Happy Taurus Season! This month we are working with the energies of forgiveness and focusing our attention on living in harmony with nature and mother earth.

This season’s Moon Magic Ritual Kit utilizes crystal helpers Rhodonite (Scorpio/forgiveness) and Green Aventurine (Taurus/green earth/heart energy) and I am happy to report that the Moon Magic Kits are now on a shipping schedule set to arrive in time for both the Full Moon and New Moons to best support your Lunar ceremony practices each month! Sign up for the ritual kit and ceremony combo or DIY ceremony instructions and video to join me in tuning into the Moon and Sun cycles this year for self-care, magic and our collective well-being. 

In other promotional news, 1 oz face mists ship with every order over $55, no code needed! The Supremely Serene Face Mist is a staple in my skincare routine especially now that it’s warming up, use with Beauty Potion Glowing Face Serum for a holy grail duo.

Astro forecast:

Taurus Season 4/20-5/21

Taurus has a full house with Sun, Uranus, Venus, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith in residence. As these celestial bodies move through Taurus they each make tense angles to Jupiter and/or Saturn in Aquarius. This brings a variety of tense experiences to our earthly (Taurus) existence as it relates to disrupting the status quo (Aquarius). Tension thrives in the conflict between Taurus’s desire to maintain security as we have known it and Aquarius’s urge to disrupt for our collective greater good. Be mindful of your patterns, thoughts, words and behaviors as it relates to money, shelter, property and other resources, especially as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and the Moon transit over Aquarius’s ruler, the planet Uranus.

With Mars moving into Cancer we are losing the quick bursts of vitality in favor of emotional outbursts, frankly this is not my favorite placement for my ruler Mars but it is what it is. We’ll use emotional flow to take us down this river to get where we need to be, even if the route is indirect. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

What to look out for and a strategy to thrive despite it:

Getting Stuck

Taurus’s desire to stay safe in the midst of change is to dig in its heels and not move. This is where our old trauma unresolved emotional situations weigh heavy on our hearts keeping us stuck. The key to unlocking and freeing oneself is through forgiveness. What’s coming through is the need for specifically forgiving oneself first and foremost, which will almost immediately lead to forgiveness of other and the opportunity to no longer be weighed down by a particular old narrative/karmic rerun. Set yourself free with the Scorpio Full Moon 4/26/21 and forgive yourself for what you didn’t know when you didn’t know it. Release guilt, shame or grudges against yourself for what you didn’t know, it’s truly absurd to shame yourself for an honest mistake. And staying in the vibration of shame blocks you from showing up in the moment, which if you’re not present for the moment, could lead to additional honest mistakes! 

Instead of feeding your shame, forgive! Then be mindful, be aware of honoring yourself and other people by taking appropriate action and/or making things right in REAL TIME. There’s plenty to be aware of and present for so we can experience the fullness and realness of each other. We are being deceived daily and actively and oppressed by systems that are deliberately misleading you. Forgive, learn, move on. When the veil comes off, receive the info, respond accordingly, speak up, speak out, do the right thing. There’s no time for dwelling in shame. 

Mother Earth is asking for your attention. Human bodies, living beings are asking for your attention. Taurus season invites hedonism, physical sensations indulged, gardens tended, plenty of food on the table and good smells. Lean in, it’s ok safe and even necessary to have your 5 senses stimulated. This month connect to taste and touch to honor the life giving properties of the Mother Earth and be mindful about how you interact with her resources. 

Cosmic weather details:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Black Moon Lilith all in Taurus

Full Moon Scorpio 4/26/21

Mercury, venus square saturn in Aquarius in opposition to the full moon in scorpio, Merc/Venus conj uranus (5 degree orb)

Sun conj uranus 5/1, 5/3 mercury square jupiter, 5/4 sun square saturn, 5/5 mere in gemini, 5/9 venus square jupiter, 5/10 venus gemini, 5/11 new moon taturus- mars in cancer sextile Uranus, moon/sun/bml conj dark goddess vibes

5/14 jupiter in pisces 

5/21 sun enters gemini

5/23 saturn retro

5/30 mercury retrograde 

Please book a session by clicking here if you’d like to dive into the astrology as it applies to YOU personally.