Aquarius New Moon Blessings

The moon is new* this evening at 9:45 PM Pacific Time in the sign of Aquarius**. Join me in looking ahead during this auspicious time. The new moon supports new beginnings. Imbolc welcomes days filled with light. Tomorrow we begin the new Lunar Year of the Water Tiger.

Taken from my Astrological Forecast:

“The final days of January brought Venus direct in Capricorn (you’re being called to review purchases/what you value/love annnnd maybe hear from/think about your ex especially if that’s what you were doing at the end of 2021) good for finances, financial planning, making the most of your situation responsibly within your limitations.

And as the New Moon squares Uranus limitations pressure our creativity/stability, perhaps produce a diamond. You may feel like what you love/value goes against your financial security or being accepted by society, instability somewhere is having the opposite effect somewhere else, potential for wild loses and/or gains (this carries into February and on).

Embrace ingenuity, eccentricity, innovation.”

For more astrology discussion join our Moon Magic Full Moon Zoom Circle on February 15th, 2022. We gather with each full moon to discuss the current and upcoming astrological weather as well as to use the moon to guide intention setting for the next cycle.

*A New Moon is the celestial event of the sun and the moon lining up with each other. From our perspective on earth the moon cannot be seen and then subsequently reappears as a crescent. A sliver of light which grows larger until the moon is fully illumined about two weeks later, which is the celestial event known as the Full Moon.

**Aquarius is the water-bearer. In astrology the glyph for Aquarius depicts the water from the water bearer’s vessel, as a symbol of open-ended spiritual energy.