Astro notes for this the last week of Cancer Season and Self-Care Offerings

Astro notes for this the last week of Cancer Season:

If you feel yourself drawn to water, to your mother, to nurturing or healing yourself or others, let Venus bring your attention here. Choose ultimate self-care now as we move toward the higher energy drain of Leo season (beginning Friday 7/22). Taking responsibility for our own wellness sets us up nicely for what’s to come later this month and into August. Unexpected and disruptive occurrences which fuck with your plans week of last week of July/first week of August. Continuations of the social upheaval we’ve experienced this year. Even Virgos can’t plan ahead for this Uranus transit, which will be a surprising disruption.

Collectively we continue amidst the pressures of a transforming Patriarchy. There are some spaces where it’s obvious that the structures are crumbling, and in other areas it’s as though The Authorities are stronger and more oppressive than ever.

There’s little you can do to affect demonstrable and immediate change on the collective level. I suspect many of us will continue to feel frustrated by our lack of power among the government/global elite. One path to a sense of empowerment is in our personal emotional healing. Healing our emotional bodies brings a soothing salve to some of our physical aches and pains, particularly those which are the most mysterious.

Needs to consider for yourself (also notice if the folks in your household are lacking in care, consider cultivating a culture of prioritizing self-care and offering mutual aid when you are resourced):

Healthy food

Plenty of water

Fresh air

*Clean and comfortable living space

*Alone time

*Social time

*Creative expression



Emotional expression

Emotional or physical support

Medical, mental, dental professional care

Therapy is supported during this time, honest conversations with trusted friends is supported, parenting your dependents with grace and generosity is supported, IF YOU ARE WELL CARED FOR YOURSELF (reminder! It’s no one’s job but your own to care for yourself, even if you are partnered) you may be able to pour from a flowing cup with a smile. If you’re skipping the step of REAL ACTUAL SELF CARE WHICH OFTEN REQUIRES YOU SAYING NO TO OBLIGATIONS, EVEN FUN INVITATIONS AT TIMES, you will be pouring from a cup of resentment and accruing karmic sludge. Ew no, not that!

So, take care of yourself. Take a bath if you like that. Go for a walk. Remember to breathe once in a while, empty your lungs completely and pause, then inhale deeply, pause again and repeat as many times as feels fortifying to you. It’s cool that when you aren’t thinking about breathing that you’re BEING BREATHED. I love that idea. But it’s also pretty cool that when we bring mindfulness to breathing we have the ability to shift our experience.

Here are some of the Light Goddess Alchemy offerings that I suggest as supportive of this quality of time:

Bath Soaks pink Himalayan salt cleanses energy while Epsom salts relax muscles.

Face mist balances skin pH which helps clear up blemishes as well as heal dry flakes when used between cleansing and moisturizing.

Astrology session let’s talk about you and your chart and/or how the current astrology is affecting your personal chart.

Here are some more abstract musings about the current cosmic energy from my Mercury (messenger/communicator/writer) in Pisces. <3

A reckoning and communication, or story telling, about a healing opportunity for the wounded, perhaps the forgotten. I write on the day of Mercury’s cazimi with the Sun in Cancer. Think of the full to bursting berries warmed in the intensity of the summer sun.

Limitless potentialities are perceptible when the fumes of your festering wounds dissipate (as you heeaaaaallllll). It may depress you temporarily when you realize these opportunities were present for quite some time while you couldn’t see or otherwise sense them. That’s understandable, feel that, grieve what you were missing. forgive yourself. take time and space, whatever you need love, to see or otherwise sense what is available to you in this now moment.

Your heart knows the way.

With love,
